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Heron Slip Rentals

Spring has sprung and members want to get their pontoons into the water! The cove has been dug out and new docks have been donated by a member of Leisure Lake. Five slips will be rented out for pontoons, with the money going back to the lake management fund to use for more slips in the future.

The committee has decided that there should be a bidding process for the slips. Minimum bid will start at $300 per season, with highest bid getting first choice and so forth. Whatever a member bids, will also be their price annually for that slip. After the slips are allotted, the remaining names will be kept in order of their bid and they will have first right when slips become available. For the next season, the member can keep their slip if fees are paid, and the member is in good standing. There will be a short contract listing rules and responsibilities.

Members will have until midnight Friday, May 7th to enter their bids. Please email your bid to or send a text to 319-560-8831. The pontoon slips will be given out on Saturday, May 8th.


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